Thursday, August 18, 2011

Brinks Home security...Alarm goin off?

We recently had to get an alarm on our home. We believe our neighbors keep breaking in our home, 3 times in dec last yr. 1 time in Jan this yr....maybe 2 times like a few yrs b4 that too..then we got Brinks in the end of JAN this yr. They stopped but in the last 2 months, the alarm been goin off, maybe false alarm, i don't think so. Brinks been telling me that whatever been setting it off is in the dining area, which is where i walk in the front door. but nobody has broken in the house again yet. But every since those ppl broke into my home several times, i have had people watch my house, drive by jus to check. twice, 2 people told me they saw the same people, same description in my yard while i'm at work, this was the same day it went off also. What are they doin to set off my alarm without breaking into my home? i got every window covered, i have, door, everything. i jus don't get it.

I need help trying to find a site that can run a Fantasy Gambling League, do you know one?

The idea is everyone starts out with the same amount of credits, whoever has the most credits at the end of the season wins. The gambling lines are based on the Vegas lines, able to do parleys, teasers or straight bets.

Is no doubt still a band?

since gwen stefani left to become a solo singer is she still part of no doubt? or has she left the band? i know this was ages ago

What is the best park snowboard out there?

I outgrew my old snowboard and i want to get the best possible wide park board for under $500. I'm not a pro or anything but i can 540 and i can do just about any rail or box. I probably ride like 75% jibing and 25% jumps (nothing over 50 ft) and absolutely no powder cause there isn't any around :(. If it makes any difference I have ride contraband bindings and 32 lashed boots. Im open to anything but Burton (great boards but they really are over priced) and the unfortunately the capita stair-master extreme because of the graphic haha.

Does Trickle down economics no longer work?

Trickle Down didn't work when it was called Reaganomics and it won't work now. McCain is right, he doesn't know much about economics.

Iran: Is execution a reasonable and justified punishment for throwing stones?

This was the punishment for students protesting our going into Cambodia back during Nixon's presidency. On May 4, 1970 at Kent State University, four students were shot & killed for throwing stones.

Why would the government want to give out vaccines?

I've been a bit confused. I know the vaccines supposedly protect against things like swine flu (even though many people have died in the UK from it even though they had the vaccine?!) but why would the government want to provide vaccines? Why should they care about our health? Surely it's more money for them if we get ill?

My cat is acting up what wrong?

my cat love to play but today she bit my hand her teeth are small so it did not burn are nothing .the next day she kept like crazy round my baby anlie and her twin aidlie im mad i got read of it but it keep coming back hlp

Termination codons and mutant sequences?

I'd say the answer you are after is likely B. If you terminate an amino acid chain early it stands to reason that you will produce something that just won't work. If you merely substitute a base and change a single amino acid, you may see little change in the function at all (these tend to be called polymorphisms rather than mutations since they don't adversely affect things), a minor change so it doesn't work quite as well but still does the job ok, or a major change which takes out the function entirely or changes it altogether (eg it may go from only being active in the presence of other factors, to being active all the time).

Help! who should I be with need advice!?

am currently seeing my bf paul, for almost 2 years, he is great,loving, but i dont feel the connection like I do with billy. Me ansd billy met a 5 years ago, he was so sweeet to me, he took care of me after an accident but then he went away to school and we never hooked up.. we stayed close freidns i had feelings but started seeing my ex bf, and billy was seeing a girl from school. so billy and i got into an arguement didnt talk for months, and had a great heart to heart we really hit it off that nite, i think that he was going to kiss me but no. I told him me and bf were on break but he diddnt make move, just called the next day, wanting to hang out like friends w. when that nite we were so into each other. anyway me and ex got back together, and billy one night acted like such a jerk accusing me of using him, talking bad about my friends, being such an ***..he would apologize and do it again and again.....we didnt talk for while after that. it was so hard because he went away to school and i didnt want to get too close So I broke up with my bf, and soon he sent me flowers apologizing for everything telling me hes had feelings, I sent him a message thanking him and saying we will talk very soon and invited him to my bday party, were he pulled the same exact crap again, some my friends say he was controlling and just wanted power, others said he was sweet and protective.. I dont know he tried apologizing again, but then didnt try talking to me again until i started seeing paul...and it was too late, I thought about him a lot, i even blocked his sn on aim and still have his friend request on facebook in my inbox...he tried messaging every few months, but I dont know what to say, I really love billy more than any other guy but we have so much issues, i dont think things could work but i cant stop thinking of him, and i feel so bad because im with paul now what should I do? billy is so gorgeous and sweet, but he has such a mean side but its only wehen it comes to my friends and protecting and billy havent really talked in 2 years but i still think of him and we still have weirdness between us over what happened, should we be together? me and billy have such a connection everyone in the room notices, but me and paul all have same friends, and hes not jealous and overprotective and doesnt have the temper. billy got a different sn and messaged me the other day, trying to talk and told me just tell me to screw off if you dont want to talk, but i didnt know what to say to him, i hate living like this...what should i do girls? and why would billy only try talking to me online hes seen me out since many times and just said hello and act like he doesnt know me and avoided talking to me except one time recently. I heard he was so upset about me blocking him but it was only so i didnt have to think of him..i hear he think i hate him and think he a stalker which i dont...what should i do

Where is the defense in the NFL?

this season it has been awful. teams like steelers, ravens and patriots are struggling in defense. the SSs are playing weak and missing tackles. is it that the scouters are not picking the right players at the NFL combine??

What are/were your great-grandparents' first names?

Both sets of my grandparents were dead before I was born, so I have no idea about my great grandparents.

I am looking to sell my PSP at gamestop?

I was wondering how much I could make by selling my sony psp, it is the metal gear solid edition that came out about a month ago, and I was just wondering how much you think I would get for the PSP, the new metal gear solid game, megaman maverick hunter x and star wars battlefront: elite squadron?

If the half moon is left one side of the planet, does it face the right on the other side? ?

If you are looking at at the moon in the sky, unless you are on the equator and are looking straight up, you are probably looking at it with your back to the pole. If you are on the southern hemisphere, your back is to the south pole, and if you are on the northern hemisphere, your back is to the north pole. So, if the the current phase of the moon looks like a "C" to someone viewing it from the northern hemisphere (facing south), it will look like a backwards "C" to someone on the southern hemisphere (facing north).

Need help to find a loan?

I have bad credit but I can pay $800.00 dollars a month for a loan if anyone know any loan companys or a person that can make loans without paying up front fees please email me need to pay up my bills

I broke my screen on my blackjack phone and how do i fix it and how much would it cost?

Sadly, things like phone/ipod screens are not worth fixing - you'll spend more or as much as if you just got a new phone.

What is the Capitol of Pennsylvania?

Gosh! Another question that could have been answered through a search engine without losing five points. Could it be Harrisburg? Gadzooks! I believe it is!

Do you think they should be allowed to show provocative commercials during superbowl?

Why do people think that knowing about /seeing scantily clad or nude people is harmful to children? Those things are all over the place in Europe and those kids arguably turn out better than American children...

Has Detroit become a triumph of progressive public policies?

A shining example of Progressive policies at work. Just like the states of California, New York, Illinois, Michigan etc. All broke or totally bankrupt, corrupt, people leaving in droves. The whole country is not that far behind. Still there are people who think Obama is the greatest. The question I have for them is - the greatest what?

Muay thai kickboxing?

who knows average how long it takes to finish taking instruction in muay tai and practice maybe even teach on your own

Please help me I have AWFUL allergies!!!?

Okay so yesterday my throat was KILLING me and i was congested really bad...zyrtec wasnt working too well, and claritin occasionally worked but not all the time. the doc perscribed me ALLEGRA D. Okay so i used allegra d twice now (yesterday and this morning) and ALL of today at school my nose was running like a faucet and i felt like S***. the skin between my lip and nose is even sore from all the tissues! seriously should i stop taking allegra because it isnt helping me and i am feeling worse every day...please tell me how to make my nose normal again. i don't care if it is stuffy, i just can't have it running all day like a faucet. (seriously, if i didn't blow my nose every 30 seconds, it would just keep dripping and coming out like a kitchen sink). i can't miss anymore school cuz of this, but it is practically torture for me...HELP!

Was Howard Stern ever funny?

Howard Stern is not funny at all. His show is vulgar,stupid and totally outline. He's the most inconsiderate,cruel and foul mouth person. I think the man has no morals or respect for others feelings. He has no respect for himself. Bottom line he's a disgrace to the human race.

Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop ???

If your an artist I'd recommend Photoshop, hands down. export as an eps. file and use in illustrator for vector format. Why not hand draw some outlines, scsn them into the computer, and use photoshop tools to fill with colour? fantastic stuff on photoshop.

Man pollutes his environment.Can Man remedy the situation?

Air and water pollution-internal combustion engine,radio isotopes,synthetic pesticides,inorganic nitrogen fertiliser,international garbage cans,waste dumping in oceans-nuclear weapons(radioactive material waste)

I still have 666 points. Despite asking this question twice, am I any closer to being the antichrist?

I believe that if you asked the question twice and your points didn't deplete, then you ARE the antichrist. Hello Lord!

Ah, YEAH? HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 POINTS???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

it might affect the scholarship part because i think they expect you to be good at a range of subjects...i cant really say but they will definitely look at a range of areas and your strongest subject/area, it also depends how popular the scholarship is, i wish u good luck ;)

How much is it per year to go to California State University, LA.?

Im planning on going there after my 2 year plan at OCC (oakland community college) I live in Michigan and im planning on moving to California. Do any of you know if you HAVE TO live at there college campuses or can you just go there and rent an apartment near by the college? HELP please, im planning on going for Sicology too.

Attack Iran Yes no maybe or never ?

I wonder what sort of people think this is the wise its a very backward thinking proposal in my opinion, and if Iran do have Nukes then why shouldn't they to protect themselves against potential terrorist threats from Israel?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What are some cool words that start with T?

everyone has like an awesome trademark name like "breaking Brianna" or "Maggie Macre" but i'm having hard time coming up with one. My name's Tracy so any ideas you got would be great<333333333

What would be a good hypothesis for?

A lab on how pollution affects plants. Four radish plants were grown and distilled water, chlorine, acetic acid and a salt solution were each added to one plant. The experiment was to see which ones would grow slower, die or grow at a regular pace. What would be a good hypothesis for this experiment?

What was the make of the lare Sir Harold Wilsons raincoat?

The maker was "Gannex". They were very popular at one time and were worn by many people.both to business and as normal wear.Harold Wilson was probably the most prominent person to wear these and he and gannex became synonymous.I don't know if they are still made or can be purchased.

Is the drummer from queens of stone age, the same person as the singer from foo fighters?

At one point he considered ditching the new foo's album cos he didn't think it was good enough. Basically he wasn't looking forward to touring for ages after the album and even considered ending the band. While he was in this contemplaive mood he had a bit of a break by helping QotSA out.

If conservatives hate democracy, why do liberals defend efforts to thwart democracy?

They defend Castro and Kim, who have never allowed elections and imprison those who advocate democracy. They defend Ahmadinejad, Mugabe, and Chavez, who have been known to jail the opposition and send out goons to attack anyone who votes against them. They also defended the gay fascists who got all pissy because the state of California voted to keep marriage one man and one woman!

Need Help Finding Item!!? try it, they have many varieties of new products, Including shoes, clothing, belts, bags , jewelry and so on. but the price all is cheap .I buy from it many times , I am satisfied with the quality , especially for the price .

Dried beef strips for cooking in a crock pot?

I have a crock pot recipe for pork chops that says to layer dried beef strips in-between the pork chops. What in the heck is this cook book talking about? It says 1 jar of dried beef strips. The cook book is brand new so it's not some out-dated thing. If it meant beef jerky, wouldn't it just say that? Can someone tell me what it wants?

What is a letter phobia called??

just askin..... I hear that the book, "The Great Gatsby" does not contain the letter E. i think that is impossible!!!!!!!!!! Did F.Scott Fitzgerald have a letter phobia???

Do you think I can handle a really long bike ride?

You should be able to do it 72 miles is not that far. 20-25 mile rides are an every day thing for me. You want to load up on carb's the day before the ride to get your glucose levels maxed out. Carry plenty of water and take some sandwiches with. I like to eat Good & Plenty on long rides it only contains sugar and carb's and no fat.

What are the causes of the northern hemisphere warming?

The Northern Hemisphere warms during the summer months. This is the result of more direct sunlight coming into contact with it.

Is the Republican answer for ILLEGAL immigration,,LEGALIZE THEM,, like Reagen did in the 80's or do nothing??

We legalized 12million ILLEGALS in the 80's,,and now we have 13million more.. Why hasn't the Republican Bush Administration with TOTAL majority power in both houses,,closed our southern border,,and deported any and all ILLEGALS?? They have only proposed legalization.. What kind of message does that send to the REST of the immigrants who patiently wait to legally enter the United States..And who knows if a group of terrriots could do likewise,,and enter to do us great harm !! The only other solution they propose,,is Amnesty.... SOLOMON

Can anyone give me a good Halloween......?

Can anyone give me a good printable Holloween / candy corn recipe i can not find any? and i would love it if you could give me one!

Which girl name do you like best? Elodie, Anneliese, or Ariana?

I like Ariana Scarlet. I Like It Becuase I Like Ariana More Than Elodie And Anneliese And Ariana Is Cute And Ariana Scarlet Has A Nice Flow To It. Im Not A Fan Of Scarlet AT ALL But Its Not My Child. What I Think Sounds Really Pretty Is Ariana Jade Or Ariana Marie! Congrats On Your Baby Girl! I Hope You Pick Ariana (Ari for short)! :) Good Luck And I Prefer Ariana With 2n's Like Brianna or Abrianna: Arianna But That Is Just My Oppion.

Why can't I do any tricks on my skateboard?

I've been skating for like 2 years I still cant get any tricks down except for ollies. i practice alot...but i still cant do anything for some reason. i cant even ollie a 2 stair. (cant even ollie while moving). when i do kickflips i only land them with my front foot..i cant do any other tricks. please tell me what i should do. thanks

Travellling to China with a tefl certificate to teach English? Best Locations?

Shenyang is a good place to come to, plenty of foreign language schools. The nightlife is pretty good too. And a good few of us Irish having the craic! I ume you're Irish?

Vegan at the movies?

whats vegan at the movies? i know for a fact that the popcorn where i live isnt vegan and no MARS candy product such as m&ms,snickers,milkey way,twixs,starburst,skittles,dove, or 3 musketeers please. i know sour patch kids are. anything else?

How many woman would let a platonic male friend with a foot mage their feet?

How many women would be willing to use a guy friend for free foot mages after work, shopping, exercise, etcetera, even if they knew it was highly arousing for him and they had no ual interest in him themselves?

Any tips for my voice?

Firstly your guitar is too loud,you need to smile when you sing cause you dont look like your enjoying singing,and you're good looking if you get the hair out of your face.

I need help with a certian somebody!! please help mee! thankyoouuu?

so theres this boy hes 3 years older than me. we meet tru online(but i knew his younger sister whos a yr youger nd ive seen him around) than we finally meet. the last time we hungout (the second time we meet) we hooked up. now my mom dosent kno about him so we sneak around so i saw him at summer school the 1st day n i said hey he juss staired nodded n kept walkin so i texted him n asked ifhe was mad hes lik no i had to go to work which is understandable. we getout of school at 1130 n his work is at 11. so the next day i saw him n we walked up the stairs i made a remark"come on matt move a lil fasterr" n he was tlkin to his friend. so he look at me lik i didnt know him! so i texted him again and was lik do i exsist in school to you? n hes lik nah in school ur mad annoyin. i was lik okay w.e so we wont talk in i havent herd from him in 3 days! i dont know if he broke his mad at me...or never wants to talk... hellppp thankss(:

What are some comparisons between the great gatsby and romeo and juliet?

i need help writing a paper on the comparison of these two pairs of star-crossed lovers but i can't really see any paths parallel or cross. please give any suggestions!

What are your favourite AC/DC songs?

Mine are Let There Be Rock, Whole Lotta Rosie, and Ride On. I really don't care for Brian Johnson, though.

Better team: 2010 packers or 2007 patriots?

I think if Green Bay would've been healthy all year it might be a legitimate conversation considering they lost their top running back in the 2nd quarter of the first game and plowed on upon the right shoulder of Aaron Rodgers, but struggled before the offense began adjusting after further losing one of the best athletes in the game in Jermichael Finley and then the starting right tackle Mark Tauscher offensively. The Defense didn't lose a beat despite the injuries and would definitely have a chance of slowing down an offense as potent as the '07 Pats offense, but ultimately I couldn't say they would win. However if any team wouldn't go down without a fight it would be the 2010 Packers. They never trailed by more than 7 despite losing 6 games so they competed even while adjusting to the injuries.

Need boy help! PLEASE KEEP READIN'!?

hey :) i guess a good way to start this is my age! so im in 8th grade...just started a couple weeks ago, and i go to this catholic school and its really annoying. ahha. okay so a block away from r school is a public middle school and most of my friends r in 8th grade there, bc theres rlly noone in my cl, but i have friends at my school to dont get me wrong. lol. soo theres his guy who goes to the middle school down the street...lets call it...midland. idk. haha. okay so he goes to midland and lets ay his names liam. alright so he was my friend for a while like beginning of 7th middle maybe? but he does pot and hoooka and stuff. im not into that at all. and id never do that. but most of the guys who go to midland go that, and im realizing some of the guys at my school do too, and i just dont agree. but he used to rlly have a thing for me. and hes like a poet and he would write poems for me all the time and call me ggoregues and everything and i kinda fell under a liam spell u could say, but i didnt wanna admit it to my self or anyone else, bc i new he ddi pot and weed and stuff and he was always he asked me out and i said no and he was pissed so we didnt talk for while...he lied me again i told him i didnt like him and so on. now we r in tjis time, and all this week he has been txtnig me and flirting with me and he told me he likes me. and i was like oh well i dont like him (to my self) and all my friends r like well hes so sweet to u but he does like bad stuff and he is friends with "the cool guys" at midland, but that doesnt make me like want to go out with him or like him. he also keeps telling me about this girl violetta...and how he loves her, but at the same time hes telling me he likes me? and its just a buncha crap. whatever. but violetta went out with a 7th grader, that liam doesnt like, and hes pissed off. but likes me. and he knows i no he likes me, adn isk what to do...if i should tell him? nott ell him? i mean i cant convice myself i like him, but when he talks abut how much he liked violetta, i get pissed off...and idk if that means i have feelings for him or what...please help me...i dont have an older sister to talk to or anythin' so..this is kinda all i got. thanks :)

Friend's betrayal. Help?

I had this friend whom I thought was my world. I confided in her and asked for her help on relationships and stuff. Then who knows why she got jealous of me and wrote really horrible things about me on her blog. One day she walked out on me and my friends. I was really hurt and angry. should I let this "friend" of mine go, or should I pretend that nothing has happened and accept the way she is?

When these new islamic theocracies (Egypt, Libya, Syria) are firmly established....?

will they attack Israel? They all claim the desire to kill every Jew in the world...will the U.S. stop them?

BMW, Honda, Ducati, Yamaha, Harley, Triumph, Moto Guzzi... favorite bike?

or any others.... I once had a dream of a 1990 California III Moto Guzzi... then the GF was preggers (got married) and my Guzzi dream died. I was gonna ride all over Europe on it.

What is the song from the Hershey bliss commercial where it draws the little dotted squares around people?

It's driving me crazy. I wanna find out the name of the song from the Hershey bliss commercial where they draw the little dotted square around the people and it doesn't have any lyrics it just say woooooo! Does it even have a name?

Have you ever been invited to appear on Judge Judy or any other court TV show?

My husband got invited to appear on the "Judge Judy" court TV show over a small claims suit. I don't think he'll do it, but I think it would be interesting to watch. ; )

I need help with a basic chem question?

Ionic bonds tend to occur between positively charged metal ions (cations) and negatively charged non-metal ions (anions).

What is that the name of that funeral piece,a march by beethoven I think,but it's not the one everyone knows?

the rhythm is dotted quaver-semiquaver for most of of it and it's about 3 or 4 minutes long. I think it's by beethoven but i'm not sure.Military bands play it a lot.sorry i can't give more information- I would write the tune out but i haven't got a pencil :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What does the minister say at a German wedding?

Sollte jemand gegen diese Ehe etwas einzuwenden haben, so m�ge er jetzt sprechen oder f�r immer schweigen!

Cleaning frenze at 34 weeks and 2 days?

Your nesting! I would avoid the bleach fumes though. Sounds like your getting ready! Try to get some rest now! CONGRATS

Are the Warlords the weakest soul in the entire Rift game?

I have been around different forums and websites about Rift and I always end up seeing the Warlord souls as secondary or tertiary to the main souls only. Seldom I can see that they are being used as a main soul. So my question basically is, are they the weakest amongst all the other souls in Rift?

Guys another Q...what would you do if......?

i would probably think the girl was blowing me off, or because she had been out of contact so long in the past, i wouldnt want to seem desperate to keep contacting her so i would do the same and wait for her to phone me from then on, until we started talking regularly again. sounds like the guy has a fair bit of patience.

JFK ination research paper. can you help?

Good luck. There are historians working with scientists around the world trying to prove (or disprove) exactly the same thing. I don't think there is anyone who truly knows the cold, hard facts. Sift through the conspiracies and use Oswald's conviction as the clincher.

How can an individual have three alleles at a locus?

If a person has three alleles it is usually because there is a duplication in the DNA. It doesn't have to be an entire chromosome - it can be just one gene, or even just one exon of a gene. Normally, you have two copies of every gene, one from mom and one from dad. If you have a duplication in exon 1 of the PS2 gene, for example, you will have three copies (or alleles) at that locus.

Why don't people cover their mouth when they cough?

yeah ewww thats so gross. in school this girl sat behind me and she yawned one time and didnt cover her mouth and i could smell it in front of me. so gross. they are shiitbags and it is rude

Effects of televised political comedy?

what are some effects of televised political comedy like the tomight show, snl or the colbert report. do you get your information on current events from shows like these?

Can I replace Rice Krispies with Cocoa Pebbles when making?

Rice Krispie treats? I'm making the peanut er version instead of the original recipe that uses marshmallows. I think it'll be good but was wondering if any ones tried it.

Who is a better all around player Carlos Gonzalez or Jose Batista?

CarGo is your clic 5-tool player... He hits for average and power, has great speed, covers ground defensively, and has a plus arm. Bautista is a tremendous player, but speed is where CarGo has a significant edge.

Ok...Weird question about Strep B Test....?

No, it won't give you a false negative. You just cleaned the outside, and when he "swabbed" you he went in the a little, he may have done it so quick you didn't notice he went inside a little to get the sample.

Is there any logical reason why i would just throw up out of no where?!? (FYI: ITS NOT PREGNANCY)?

Probably a random thing. Sometimes something just hits the body wrong and it needs to get rid of it... even if it's something you have on a regular basis. This occasionally happens to me when I'm getting ready to start my cycle.

Has anyone seen the adventures of young indiana jones?

I found out last year that they had 22 adventures of young indiana jones out on dvd but I couldn't buy them so I downloaded them all and they are AWESOME movies. I love Sean Patrick Flannery, he plays the hottest young Indiana Jones, I like him so much better when he was young in the movies and now I finally understand why in the last 3 indiana jones when he is older that he will find a women in every one but you never see her in the next as to say he married her because in all the adventures when he was young he either has to leave the one he falls in love with, gets betrayed by them, or they reject him when he asks them to marry him....poor Indy, lol anyways enough talking from me, bye!

Chances at getting into UCLA?

I think you may have a shot. However, i've know people with higher scores and GPA's that have been waitlisted at UCLA. Basically, although I believe you have a pretty great chance, do not put all of your eggs into one basket. Life goes on..

Is Global Warming true ? Or Is It A Crock ?

it's a total crock , designed by the global warming nazis to control you and me, and to destroy the middle cl once and for all.

How is natalie rex's sister?

how is natalie rex's sister but yet viki davidsons daughter but rex is not jess,tess,bess sister? how does that work out?

Partial pressures and concentrations?

Let us take each one 40 grams . Then He 10 moles, Ne 2 moles , Ar 1 mole. Total moles 13 . For the same time diffusion V He/V Ne = PP of He x Square root of Mw of Ne / PP of Ne xsquare root of MW of He. This gives11.18/1 . or 5.59/0.5 .For the same diffusion time as above V He/V Ar = 31.6/1 or 15.8/0.5 dividing both by 2.825 gives 5.59/ 0.18. Moles of gases remaining after same time diffusion He 10-5.59 =4.41 , Ne 2- 0.5 = 1.5 , Ar 1-0.18=0.82. Hence PAr < PNe < PHe . None of your options are matching this one. 2) BaCl2 ( 10 millimoles) + H2SO4 (5 millimoles) -------> BaSO4 ( s) + 2 HCl. BaCl2 consumed is 5 millimoles and H2SO4 consumed is 5 millimoles . BaSO4 formed five millimoles is precipitated since it is insoluble salt. BaCl2 remaining (5 millimoles) ionises. Hence 5 millimoles of Ba^2+ present in 200 ml solution. In 1000 ml 25 millimoles Ba2+ present. Hence the concentration of Ba2+ is 0.025M . Among the gives gases may be SO2 deviates most because it is polar and others are nonpolar.

Are women with implants seen as equal to other women in mens eyes?

You know what... I love ****. But they have to be attached to something to really make them attractive. LOL. Let's just put it this way... any man who would date you only for your **** probably isn't the man you want to marry or have be the father or your kids. Time and gravity get everyone. Everyone. So after everything is all saggy and droopy.... if that's all you had... what do you have left? My wife, who does have great incidently, won't always look like that. And when they're dragging on the floor... she'll still be the most beautiful thing I've ever set my eyes on. So stop worrying about the ****. If you got them for you. Great. Be happy. But if you really didn't get them for you ... you need to have a serious talk with yourself about what you really want them to do for you. Only you can answer that question. Good luck... happy ****. :)

Is this a good deal or do you think hes trying to sell a broken computer or something wrong with it?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is it a good idea to make money buy selling beauty products?

what i mean is that i would buy beauty products from marshalls/tjmaxx and sell the item high enough to make profit but low enough so that its cheaper than retail price. marshalls/tjmaxx has brand name stuff (like chi, tigi, elizabeth arden for half the price). im planning to sell it through my blog. should i tell people where i got the products? is it dumb if i do? i want to be honest.

Why isn't my Ares 2.0.9 working?

I have Ares 2.0.9 installed in my laptop which has windows vista home premium..ares is a p2p program like limewire!..i have the same version of ares installed in my computer which has windows XP n its all fine working. But the same program is not working on my laptop..why??..please give me some suggestion what should i do. I can download easily everything on my computer but not from my laptop..!!..Help me..!

SNL, November 2008 video?

In November, 2008, on SNL with Tim McGraw and then the music performance was Ludacris ft. T-Pain. There was one skit on there when Andy Samberg came into a studio with T-Pain and Ludacris and Ludacris is telling T-Pain that he's gonna replace him with Andy. If anyone knows where I can find this video, please tell me cus I want to show my friend the video. So if you could send me a link, that would be great cus I can't find it on youtube.

What do i do with JJ Hardy?

do i ride out his cold streak or do i trade him now if i get a offer? Is he just this year's Chris Shelton? i got offered jeff francour, aramis ramirez, Jimmy Rollins, Xaiver Nady and eric byrens for Shawn Green ,JJ Hardy and Carlos beltran. is that a good deal for me or should i just ride out Hardy's slump? i htink its a good deal but i think i just wanna ride out hardy's slump beucase he is in the brewers lineup and he is gonna get alot of RBI. wut should i do?

Who Has puma's!! ?? Andd Why do you like them!!?

i have pumas that are white with light blue. i have them because i needed a pair of sneakers and all sneakers are ugly except for pumas. im going to get another pair that are brown and pink

Is platonic friendship possible between a heteroual man and a heteroual woman?

Yes my sisters best friend is a man and they are both heterouals. They have been friends since they were in junior high.

Swine flu deaths in the united states?

So far, how many people have died from the swin flu in the united states, and how many have gotten it in the united states. Also, how many people on average die from the seasonal flu in the united states?

Ladies: If children are a gift from God what is the purpose of birth control??

ok people always say how children are gifts from god...if this is so then why do alot of ladies resort to birthcontrol so that they can stop the delivery of the gift that God has for them??? I mean come on birth control has alot of side effects and you C an still get pregnant while on why stop your gift from god????? SERIOUS ANSWERS. ims & emails accepted.

Significance of the golden calf and covenant in Exodus?

What is the significance of the relationship between the golden calf (Exodus 32) and the restoration of the covenant (Exodus 34). How do the parts in between contribute to the meaning of the page (Exodus 32-34)?

Let ABC be an isoceles triangle with AB = AC. Suppose that the angle bisector of angle B meets AC at D and?

Let ABC be an isoceles triangle with AB = AC. Suppose that the angle bisector of angle B meets AC at D and that BC = BD + AD. Determine angle A.

How do transfer downloaded movies from ARES TO ZEN?

I have downloaded some movies on Ares and there are sitting in the Ares library. How do i transfer them to the Creative Zen Media Explorer?I tried drag and drop and it didn work. HELP!!

Do you think that Corporate Greed triumphs standards of living?

Does the almighty dollar really controll the minds of our congress and executive branch to the point that the standards of living in our nation take a back seat to their pandering to the special intrest of big buisness?

What can i write about San Francisco for a travel brochure i need to make for cl?

Describe the scenery and surroundings. explain the type of activities that might be available to entice travelers to go there..

Monday, August 15, 2011

How petty is revenge?

My fiance got beyond pissed when I hung out with my ex (I made sure there was a chaperone in case of something stupid). I fully admit that in retrospect that was a very stupid dumb retarded idea. I was ready to roll over and take my lashes until this morning I find out I have been paying her steadily climbing phone bills; $75...$90....$125....$195?! That extra $120 is all from her texting another guy, a guy she broke up with me for 6 months ago then immediately came back (4 days). I pay for her place to live and most of her bills, but this is what pissed me off. We have had a rocky past but have been pretty solid for 5 months, then all of a sudden she gets cold, doesnt want to spend time around me (we live together), suddenly she's telling me I'm annoying. All of this leads full circle to me just wanting someone to hang out with (it happened to be the ex). I own the house, her car, our insurance... its all paid by me and in my name. I know this sounds dumb but I'm about to take her $250bday present back to recoup some of my phone payments and yes, it was already given to her. I'm so mad I just want to move out and stop paying, take the black mark to my credit, and watch the house repoed from under her preventing her from even getting her things out. How wrong is that?

Who do you think deserves to get paid more, baseball players, or football players?

i know baseball playes get paid more, but i'm not sure if they deserve to get paid more than football players. hmmmm..???

Could my 3 month old daughter be allergic to my chihuahua?

i have a 3 yr old Chihuahua and shortly after bringing my daughter home after birth her little eye began to fill up with cold. I have to clean it several times a day because it is steadily filling up with icky greenish Yellow gunk. I always heard that these dogs were good for taking allergies away from babies but i am beginning to wonder if she is causing them. I really don't want to have to get rid of my dog she is like part of the family but for the health of my baby I would if I need to.

Didigal Camcorder battery pack BN-V11U?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Urgently need to improve as a flanker - any tips?

Unfortunately mate, there is no shortcut around the fitness issue. If you want to play there properly, you need stamina. You need to be everywhere on the pitch and constantly in the action.

What should i do about this girl?

This sounds like she is very confused about her feelings for you, that she wants you but when she has you she doesn't want you. She is leading you on and that you need to have a talk with her about this. It isn't right that she is misleading you whether or not it was intentional. Make it clear to her that you're getting very mixed signals and they need to be cleared up. Perhaps even spend some time apart if need be to figure out what is going on between the two of you.

Do Basketball Fans Understand Athleticism?

There are a lot of athletic NBA and NFL players. You can't tell me players like Mello, DWill, Kobe, Chris Paul, or Jordan aren't athletic. I agree that most big guys like Shaq or Gasol might not be extremely athletic though, but think about QBs, kickers, and punters, they aren't all athletic either.

Will peanut er still make you fat if you only ate 3 teaspoons and had nothing else?

Today I just had a small cup of OJ and three teaspoons of peanut er (through out the day) and basically just drinked like 6 bottles of water..I heard that peanuter is fattening and I seriously want to know if it's okay to eat this amout if im not eating nothing else..?

How can i update my graphics card?

a href="" rel="nofollow" Select your operating system and then in the legacy part.

Im running for president, please help?

I'm running for my civics cl president & i need a mascot or symbol that means something, nothing dumb. I'm against abortion, & for gay marriage, against flag burning, gun control. i'm for cutting taxes for everyone, please help me, i need a mascot that is high school appropriate and means something. 10 points for best answer(:

Starting Tomato Seeds indoors...when?

I live in NC and I want to start my tomato seeds indoors. Is it too late? And how do I make them plentiful when they start producing fruit? Last year, out of 9 plants, I got 6 tomatoes. I used high quality soil, seed starter, you name it. I fertilized, watered, and put them where the get 6+ hrs of sun a day and even used the soil testing kits. I have a green thumb with everything else but tomatoes. The seeds I start end up wilting and break off, so I end up buying the plants anyway. But I can cut off a stem and reroot it in water and have had the stem bloom indoors, and replant it early spring and have better results, BUT, no plants are to be found to do this, but I do have seeds, so I need help. Thanks.

Portuguese chourico and kale soup: Can I substitute Mexican Chourico in this recipe?

In Mexico we spell it chorizo. Mexican chorizo has more red pepper than the Spanish and Portuguese varieties, but it should work just fine.

My cat is outside- and i get really anxious she won't come back...?

If she is outside and you don't know where you can't know that she is ok. Is there any reason why she can't be a totally inside kitty? Other than being hit by a car there are other risk factors for outdoor cats such as being attacked by other animals and contracting diseases or injuries, which can be fatal or very expensive to treat. There are also other people who don't share your love for animals that will hurt or kill your pet. If you can I suggest you make her an indoor only cat.

How does caffein increases RNA synthesis?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What i s that........?

i can't see films that is ociated with torture especially whipping.There is a film called The crucible i have to see bec. i study it in my college.There is 1 scene where the master hit his servant with the whip as i read it in the book,and i can't bear seeing such a scene or even here the word ''whip''.i want to see it and at the same time i'm it a fobia.what is wierd that i can see this scene if i'm alone and i will be also afraid,but i don't u think i don't wanna anybody to see my re-action.plzzzzzzzz help

How to train pitbulls to like to be around children?

If they are pups that's good. Just like you would socializ them with adults, but in a very well supervised situation. As puppies they are playful like to jump & chew. So let them get used to being touched, picked up maybe slapped as kids do & there chew toys played with or taken. Good reinforcement for good behavior. Teach them no jumping or chewing on the kids. That's just good for all. Pits are great dogs, hate the reputation they get branded with. There arw no bad dogs, just bad owners

Is "Two words" (Space) different than "TwoWords" (no space) for a trademark?

Let's say "hello there" was trademarked, would that automatically imply that "HelloThere" (No space) was too?

Who coined the phrase "Amen Brotha"

Who coined the phrase "Amen Brotha" or "Amen Brother". Or wher di you first here it?

Is anybody else a huge Cany fan? such as Snickers, M&M's, Skittles, etc.?

For example I love to get the new flavors and creations availible, Kit Kats, for a while had all these new flavors, and Snickers has been releasing these new editions, such as the Nougabot Bar with Yellow nougat inside for the transformers movie. So my question is are any of you out there big candy fans like me? I am thinking of making a blog about Candy. Would you be a watcher?

How do I convince my mother?

to have Christmas at our home next year? We always have it at my grandmother's but we have a larger house... and the crowd is getting larger and are running out of room... we also have a fireplace we can use... I think my parent's house is perfect as we have never really had our entire family over and I would love to play host... what can I say? She hates having people over... even though it's her side of the family and tells them that HE doesn't like having people over even though he loves entertaining people...

Whats a good bike for a 5ft 2 petite lady Biker?

Have you sat on a Ducati monster,, i have one, i am sure these where made for ladys, and they are so stable, and they are low, also the seat are slim which helps, good luck with finding the right bike for you

How do I get rid of a pesky house guest?

An old friend I went to school with is moving to my city and recently emailed to ask if he could crash on my sofa for 'a couple of nights' when he first arrived. As my flatmate was going to be away at this time, I said yes. Upon arrival he put me on the spot and asked to stay for two weeks (duration of time flatmate is away for). foolishly, I said 'okay' because he was begging. He has since been remarkably unhelpful, (eg. has washed the dishes once this entire time, does not cook) He is kind of like the comic book store guy from the simpsons and sits on the sofa blasting the TV all the time. Two weeks is up but he has indicated he intends to stay! Even when my flatmate is back and there will be no room for him. I told him it will be too crowded here and that I can recommend backpackers, but he didn't say anything. Then I thought -because I know he is on a budget- perhaps I am being really unreasonable and mean. But I don't see how you can move to a new city with no money? I feel like I have been kind to him, but now he is driving me crazy. I am afraid my boyfriend and flatmate will think I'm very impolite if I kick him out, along with all our clmates from school, who, with the advent of facebook will quickly find out I gave him the boot. I don't want to force him onto the streets, but this guy is not even someone who has been in touch with me recently (until now). How can I get him to leave, without making things awful between us?

Rate Me As A Skater?

I can...kickflip,fakie kickflip,switch kickflip,nolie kickflip,varial kickflip,fake varial kickflip,pop shuv it,360 shuv it,nollie shove it,boardslide,boardslide to fakie, bs boardslide 180 out,backside flip,half cab flip,frontside 180 and backside 180,heelflip,tre flip (360 flip), twisted flip, backside flip, frontside flip,varial heelflip, double kickflip, fakie double kickflip, fakie tre,bigspin, fakie bigspin, noseslide, tailslide, 50-50, 5-0, triple kickflip and yes i can do these tricks down stairs, well most of them, how many more tricks or, what tricks do your think i need to work on? for example, flip tricks into grinds and stuff, plz name them all. Thank you.

Supercoach 2010 help?

pfft VVVV dont put dawson in, he may be a good defender btu he wont rack up the points u need for supercoach... with kerr it may be a risk but it may just pay of this year. they have been working on his performance and the other midfielders have been workin on new ways to block the tagger and set kerr free more... he could be back in pretty good form this year. rucks are good. forwards are ok... best of luck buddy!!

Potential Trade offer: Any Help/Advice?

How is Ramirez an upgrade over scutaro. The guy is playing great this year. I would rather have bartlett that ramirez if I had to choose out of the two. You should try to trade for maur or victor martinez to upgrade your catcher position. You could trade howard for a great catcher and a decent pitcher. Then keep cabrera.

How do you stop rings from turning your finger green?

Its the metal that the ring is made out of. Unfortunately some cheaper metals will turn your finger green. Try getting a jewelry cloth and cleaning the ring before you wear it.

Do guys enjoy being the givers (of comfort and security) as much as we enjoy being the recievers?

Just because you're not big, doesn't mean you're not giving comfort. But yes, I imagine that many people enjoy giving comfort, that's why they do it.

My mom got too many raw oysters, what should we do with the rest to preserve them?

Make oyster soup- fish broth, garlic cloves, spices black pepper, cream, oysters, simmer, then freeze it. Comes out lovely.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Alpha particles are accelerated through a potential difference of 1000 volts and (cont)....?

Alpha particles are accelerated through a potential difference of 1000 volts and then enter a magnetic field of flux density 0.2 weber/m^2 perpendicular to their direction of motion. Calculate the radius of their path in cm.

Can anyone out there help me loose fat quick in about one month? before prom?

hey.. i am 17. and i really need to loose weight fast... before prom nyte. which is like a month away from now. 23rd december. pls pls help. my thigh and is BIG! arms flabby. and i have a lil belly fat. please please help. i've finally got a date with my crush and i want to look fab.

Has Yahoo Answers helped you understand the opposite gender anymore than you did before?

I think it did, Now I under stand what they go though. With all the young ladys talking about their lives. And I try to answer with the up most answer that I can think of.

Whan will u undarstand this truth-- u Non-Christians and Atheists?

Methinks you're trying to shed an unflattering light upon all evangelical Christians. Ok, ha ha, we get it, people who come here in search of souls to redeem are stupid, uneducated, warbling loonies. Enough already, you've made your satyrical point. It's time to cut it out.

I love CSI Las Vegas-but so sad that William Peterson is leaving the show--Will it be as good????

I have been a huge fan of this show since the 1st season--but I just heard that William Peterson is leaving (Gil Grissom)-I dont think it will be the same--what do you think and why???

What percent of the human population do you believe is gay?

My gay friend said it was about 10%, I'm not exactly sure though. It would be hard calculating the exact percentage due to the factors you stated (denial, ect)

Need a real estate license to rent properties?

If I were to buy up houses and rent them under a llc do I need a real estate license? Would I need a license if my name wasnt the only name on the deed? I am from virginia. From what I understand here, property managers need a real estate license. In what cases would I need a license? Thanks in advance!

I have a piston that i took out of my blaster?

i have a piston that i took out of my blaster and the number on the piston are 2.00mm 573p8 can someone tell me what size piston it is and how to find one......thank you

Shower/tub filled with black water for two weeks. I want to break my lease.?

you can give you landlord proper notice or you can fix it your self and bring the receipt to the office for refund of your money that is my advice.. you are very easy going because i wouldn't have waited that long..

Revised: Am I a bandwagon fan?

Maybe you should just call yourself a FOOTBALL FAN... it's not a requirement to have only one team to know and enjoy the game.

Will he call he interested?

If you like him, that is all that matters. I don't know if he will call, he could have a girlfriend and didn't want to embarr you. Or he may be going to call. You will just have to wait and see. Good Luck xox

So i really like him, and i asked him to a sadie hawkins dance. What do i do now?

Ok so we are pretty good friends, and he said yes, but idk if its just as friends or more. I am going to have a good time. But like idk how to dance with him, like grinding i dont think would be the best idea with him. But idk. And for slow dancing im not sure how to be with him. What should i do!!!? any advice?

Any helpful advice?

Be patient. Don't go looking for'll get frustrated and disappointed. Sooner or later you're going to meet someone and you'll both know that you like each other. Besides, what's the rush? It's not like you're feeling your bio clock ticking yet. You've got a lot of years to enjoy before you need to start worrying about someone permanent. Enjoy being young.

What sentance and page number of the great gatsby does it say that nick carraway doesn't judge?

i have to draw a few pictures that symbolise the book "The Great Gatsby". One of my pictures is a man with a shadow. This represents nick and how he doesn't judge people openly but in the privacy of his own mind he judges all he wants. what is the page number where I can find quote(s) about nick "not being judgemental"?

Fantasy Baseball Trade?

You have a nice young team. This is a pretty even trade, but I would Keep Wright and Kemp. You cant quite fully trust Heyward yet. You would also be losing on SB's. Be happy with Wright and Kemp.

What do you think of these names?

The last two names flow better with Lynnette. Jillian Lynnette has too many "l "sounds and Annabeth Lynnette is just too much together. :)

I need help chemistry.?

(a) Write the Lewis symbols for H and P. (b) Write the Lewis structure of the compound that results when P atoms react with H atoms. Is the compound ionic or covalent? If covalent, predict the geometry of the molecule.

How could i hide my locations online?

iam working at a company that IT dep. closed iam not sure what i is but its somthing preventing me to download anything or even when iam using a download sofware like u torren or bitlord or whatever or some website i used to log on it but i couldn't and some of my friends told my about a website that i can hide my trace adn log on to the website again,so is there any software i can download to hide my download sofware and to be able to download torrents fiels?

Biology question......?

Im stuck on a biology crossword question it is "a permanent transmissible change in a DNA sequence, it can be an insertion or deletion of genetic information, or an alteration in the original genetic information" it is 8 words

What percentage of the people in Mexico read newspapers?

I am doing research on advertisement mediums in Mexico...And I was wondering if newspaper ads are an efficient way of advertising a new business. I just wanted to know if there was some kind of statistic somewhere that would help me determine this?

People Asking for Boycutt Don't Care About Sports?

We can all participate in the "Boycutt" by avoiding the Olympic sponsors listed at: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a


I do not think you are in love with "Veronica" as you are with the image she represents. She is a beautiful brunette with fair skin who may fit your idea of your ideal woman. I will suggest that on the off chance that she is the same person that lives near your friend,why don't you visit him and see if she is the same person. If it turns out to be the same person,you can then have your friend help break the ice with an introduction. With the introduction over and you now in a position to say hello to her,you can now begin the process of trying to get to know her better and see if you guys can be friends or even more than friends. At the worst ,you will have a new friend who is no longer just in your dreams;at best ,you may have the chance to date her.

To lovers of rock, alternative, acoustic and indie music... what are your favourite songs?

my favorite indie artist is hanson...yeah, they used to be mainstream, but now they're independent and a lot older and their music kicks favorite music is from 'the walk' album.

Who saw American Idol last night?

Did you see the girl with the huge that didnt make it? Sorry to say that, but that's the only way to describe since I can't remember her name. Well anyways, I and my cusins thought that she could sang, although her outfit was inappropriate for the audition. Unortunately Simon Paula and Randy disagreed, and she didn't make it through. Do you think that she can sing? I kinda think that she was being discriminated. Also, do you think that they didn't choose her because of her outfit, and would she have a better chance if she had covered up more?

My computer has no sound, what's the problem?

You should check Device Manager to see if the sound card is listed as a device, whether your motherboard has onboard sound or if you have an actual card. If it does not appear, there might be a hardware problem or (if you have onboard sound) it might be disabled in BIOS. If it does appear, you could see that the drivers are all correct.

My stomach is not right!?

I had diarrhea two days ago after eating wings that night before.I had two stools within a hour that next morning after eating the wings.I have been tired the last few days my shoulders feel stiff and my head feels sore my heat feels like its working double time.I also have been having a lot of gas and bruping.What's wrong with me and what should I do? SN:i have had some kind of stomach sickness like 4 times in the last 6 months

Help?? can anyone help me get a decent emo/scene look?

keep the length quite long and get really short choppy layers dun. then tease and spray the layers, there's videos on youtube on how to tease hair. u cud also put a few coloured streaks in ur hair, they cud be xtensions or died. and get a side swept bang over your eye!!!

How to get my boyfriend to grow up?

You can't "make" him grow up, any more than you can "make" him grow wings or turn into a tree. From what you said, you should really consider advising him to seek counseling. sometimes abuse can lead to reversion to immature behavior and anxiety about new situations.

Chronicles of Narnia...Tangled...?

Tangled was actually pretty funny. You'll love the chameleon. Chronicles of Narnia was kind of confusing but it was beautifully depicted.

Does anyone have a detailed seating plan for the O2 arena in London? Including rows/seat nbs?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I am looking for a dress for summer ball. Where can I find a prom-like dress either in Leeds or London?

I plan to not spend more than 150 quid. So I am willing to splurge if it's worth it. I don't want to wear anything cheap since this will be my last dance in Uni. Thanks!

Are these three statements about God compatible?

You might ask this in the Sociology Category as well. All tribes and peoples have given reasons that evil exist. They are called theodicies. And the problem becomes, How do we avoid the alienating character of religion? If I can't believe in what's in front of my face, I am a little space removed from reality. And what I do is going to show that.

Can my cypress trees be saved?

Two of my beautiful cypress trees that are about six years old suffered greatly in all that horrible snow we had in February. One bent to it's right, and the other straight ahead, you know how graceful they are, it looks like it's BOWING to my deck. I knocked off as much snow as I could, but the ends of the branches froze to the snow on the ground, and I have a heart condition and, well, did the best I could, but it wasn't good enough. I thought they would recover after the thaw, all of my other trees, shrubs and hedges did, but no. I checked to see if they had been uprooted,and it doesn't look that way. What can I do to save them, please? And thank you.

What do you think of this guy's behavior?

Hi, I'd like to ask for your interpretation on a guy's behavior. Please help me. A guy (1)seemed to be angered by another guy (2), and guy 1 kept trying to warn me about guy 2 and his deceptive behaviors behind my back. Guy 2 never said a word about his behaviors behind my back, and I learned about them through guy 2. They two actually haven't met each other but have exchanged e-mails, while I know both of them. Guy 1 seemed eager to find out how I feel about guy 2, and I basically answered all his questions about guy 2. Now he knows how I feel about guy 2 and has become less responsive to my last 2e-mails and IMs. I don't understand why guy 1 behaves in such a manner. What do you think? Could you please tell me how you think of guy 1's behaviors? I really appreciate your help.


Hi, ive just got a new dog he's only a year and a half and im having trouble with him at night. Ideally i would like to him to sleep in the kitchen at night but when i close the both the kitchen door and then the living room door abut 10mins later he has been able to jump up and open both doors and comes up and jumps up on2 my bed and sleeps besde me, i just cant keep him downstairs. I tried barricading tha kitchen door by puttin a brush through tha handle at the other side so he ***** open it but he ended up scratching away at the door alnight and ruined it. He also cries when i put him out the back yard, it's as if he alwaywants to be near me, i dunno is this something new dogs do? how can i stop this?....p.s apart from that everything else with him is brilliant cant complain !

What will you do? when 1. yellowstone volcano erupts and 2 california has 10.0 quake?

the ysay that yellowstone will cause mive havic in america because it is due to erupt and has not in 640,000 years and every 600,000 years one erupts!

What font is used in the opening and closing credits of the 2003 Lindsay Lohan movie "Freaky Friday"?

The font I am looking for is used in the 2003 "Freaky Friday" movie starring Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis during the opening and closing credits to acknowledge the actors/actresses and it looks like a teenage girls handwriting and often times runs straight off the screen. I have searched everywhere and am still having no luck. Help me, please.

Downloaded new version now I tunes library gone day after got new ipod touch, ...?

The best advise i can offer you is to to check in the electronics mart then if that fails contact the manufacture...

Does this guy want to go out or not?

Ok so ive been talking to this guy for a few weeks now, he text me lastnight to see what i was upto so i said im at my friends having a drink etc so he said where my invite...... Anyway I text him shortly after that saying would u like to go to the cinemas sometime to watch a new film thats coming out i had no text back for a bout an hour and half so text him back saying I take that as a no then. Shortly he text me back saying he was sorting his son out and yes he would like to go 2 the cinemas..... ive not dated for over a year now and for me to text him asking him that took allot, I no he said yes but im thinking why didnt he text me back striat away because when we normally text eachother hes always texs bk straight away... what do u guys think?

Is this fishy?

my boyfriend and i has a myspace we been together for 2 yrz...ok last time i asked him let me get ur apssword. he tol me no all the time so then all of a sudden about 2 weeks ago he gave me shis then yesterday i found out he gave me his apssword bcuz my ex boyfriend added a "close" friend of my boyfriend..his close frined is the girl i talked about int he other wuuestion...they close...they use to mess and shes likes i found out he gave me his pword was bcuz my ex added her myspace account and my boyfrined asked her right away if she knows my ex other b/f thought i send my ex boyfriend to add her...which isnt he sounded very suspicious he said i gave u the powrd so u can kno that theres nothin goin on between hes always tellin me this..and they always aprty togehter..idk it worries me and everytime me and my b/f argue i always say something about her and he gets really he cheating?

I don't really like having with my husband?

Whoa...thats nuts!!! Um..maybe your husband is gay and doesnt know it? Could he be having an affair? I am sorry about this

Clothing in Macbeth Shakespeare?

Do you mean comments on what characters are wearing or is this so you can find out what costume to use?

Are there any uk or european based t-shirt D.I.Y tshirt sites that arnt spreadshirt or shirtcity?

Basiclly have used spreadshirt and shirtcity before but wondering what other similar companys there were in th uk or europe, looking to spread my self out and try new ones, allready using cafepress for usa.

Will my juvi record effect my security clearance for the airforce? im going in for security forces?

the charge was for criminal mischief i was 17 so it was in my juvi record, long story short the charge got dropped and it wasn't even that serious. when i enlisted to the air fore i never told my recruiter about the charge because i didn't want to look bad. im leaving to BMT november 10th im currently in the dep program which means im not yet an active duty airmen. i had a meeting with a security clearance lady who interviewed me about what happened with my past because as they were doing my security clearance the juvi record popped up so they had to interview me for that. i dont know how long a security clearance takes? will i be good to enter the air force or will i be discharged last minute? im already leaving november 10th? can someone please help me ?

What are some good fashion magazines...?

I really like vintage fashion. (Mostly 20s-70s). I also like the way Mischa Barton, Rachel Bilson, and Hilary Duff dress. I was wondering if anybody knew any good magazines that have a lot of fashion ideas and pictures that I can buy at walmart.

How does the British system of government differ from the United States?

I am reading about the results of the recent election in Britain. Can someone explain how Parliament differs from Congress? Parliament has the House of Commons and House of Lords, right? You have a Monarchy, but the Queen has no real power since Charles I; correct? Please educate me on your form of government!

JONAS BROTHERS FANS.. do your parents like JB?

no my parents hate them but i love them, my moms fav song is superstar and my dads is from a band pink floyd, and no my parents dont support me when i say i like them, no they dont buy me tickets, i dont have any siblings

Can someone be CURED of OCD?

When I was about 11, I used to wash my hands every five minutes and constantly smother them in germ-x. Over time, I got better and better, and after I was like 14 or so, I stopped caring about germs. I actually have VERY low regard for hygene now. I will kiss frogs, scratch my (with my hand inside my undies), and do very gross and nasty things and not even wash my hands afterwards. I've gone from a neat-freak to a swine.

Is it required that you get a swine flu shot to be able to go on a cruise?

I was told this by a just a few people, but I'm not entirly sure. Because I am going on a cruise and my friends said that I need to get the vaccine before the cruise. And I am just curious if this is required or not. Thanks!

What to do if your mother was once a fiend and your father in jail?

Leave your mom dude you seem like the only normal person in this family go and make something of your futere.good luck

Should i care??!! Please Help!!?

So what if you dress different, wear dark make up, etc. The only thing I can tell you is don't let their comments get to you. If they say things bad about you try not to ask your friends about what they said because your going to feel even more angry and may even start getting your self esteem down. Even if they said your an emo chick and cut yourself, you know it's not true so why should you care. You don't have to explain anything to people just worry about yourself. Don't worry or stress over what people say because it doesn't matter, they don't have the guts to say it to your face, then they will just be a waste of breath.

Could this be love?

I have been acquainted with this man for about five years. He is a very nice man. I am a teacher and had his son in my cl about five years ago. At the moment we met there seemed to be a spark ignited between us and to this day, but nothing has come of it. Do you think he loves me or is interested in me? These are some signs he has shown. He has stared at me from crowded and uncrowded places. When we were in a supermarket together he immediately came up to me to talk to me. When his son had a program in my cl the students were to stay in their homerooms and the parents were to report to the auditorium. However, this man stayed in his son's homeroom. While there, he looked at me alot and when I looked his way he looked away. He also complimented me on my new haircut. When traveling in my car one way he was on his motorcycle going another way, but when he saw me he turned around and followed me. When I see him somewhere our eyes intentionally meet but nothing more.

Rate my Fantasy Football Team?

Very nice team - especially the WRs. The RBs are a risk. I'd drop your 2nd kicker to pick up another backup. Portis has an injury history and McCoy is a bit of a risk. I'd also rather have added depth at WR rather than a 2nd D. Overall, you should be very happy with this group though.

What percentage of white people in America would support reparations for slavery?

sorry im not for it... u didn't witness slavery, u weren't a slave, and your not a slave. so why would you get anything

Where to park for the 2010 Kentucky Derby?

Parking at Churchill Downs can be a problem. But there are a lot of small houses in the area that will let you park in their yards. Best advice is to get there very early so you can find a house close to the entrance. They will charge you a reasonable fee to park your car, but it is a good deal considering how limited good parking is. Good luck

Now that were about half way through who are your 4 playoffs teams in each leauge and how do u see it playing?


Will Jews ever produce a list with the names of the 6 million Jews that were supposedly exterminated?

6 million is an estimate, and admittedly a likely inaccurate one. There are plenty of memorials that list the names of jews who likely died, but how could you possibly list everyone when entire families were wiped at and in many cases there's no one left to realize that an entire family is missing? Here's a link to some lists for you to look at.

Meaning of Macbeth quote?

This is the quote from the witches as they are conjuring up a spell for Macbeth, for him to see the apparitions. It's forshadowing that something bad is going to come, it's a prophecy.

*URGENT* Hot Water?

The hot water at the house I just moved in runs out very quickly- 5 mins to be exact. I have tried adjusting the hot water boiler to the level "Very Hot", but i am still having problems. The water won't boil constantly and runs out very quickly. I do realise that the boiler is one of the old models, but i don't think that would have anything to do with this problem. Is there anything I can do about this?

Hairstyle Help!!!!!?

I want 2 cut my hair like hilary duffs in the movie A Cinderella Story....but i need a good picture of her hair open and straight....please help

Buying a house with work done without permit, what is my cost?

Recessed lighting sockets (with no fixtures) have been added all over the first floor and basement, the floorplan in the basement does not look original, added an island to the kitchen with a hole for a range. No permits are on record for any work. What am I responsible for in Virginia (Prince William County), what will it cost?

Girls do you prefer boyish good looks or handsome rugged looks?

by your standards, boyish, however I'm not truly extremely fond of either. I like well groomed, cute, yet masculine.

I need to get rid of my lice FAST. any ways to get rid of it? (lots of info sorry but please read!)?

The reason why you probably kept getting lice was because your family didn't clean the fabric in your home. That means bedsheets, pillows, even couch material, every fabric needs to be washed. Eggs and Lice stay on clothing, and fabrics alone up to 48 + hours.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What channel is the CW with AT&T U-verse?

I live in west michigan, and I can't find the cw, so I was hoping someone would know... And if you don't know for my zip-code, could you tell me how to figure it out?

Salli3 Ma3 denied me even when trying multiple/different co-signers?

To make things worse, the university first told me I was approved & accepted for the Parent (PLUS) Loan for total cost of tuition.......then I got the denial letter in the mail!!! So this was my last option for the smart option they offer, but I just keep getting denied I have no credit history, my family members either have decent or very bad credit history so it seems like I have no hope here....even w/t the additional $4,000 from the denial of the plus loan i got in stafford loans, I am still about $10,000 short for tuition to go to this school which is my only option

Help me find my lost love..?

interesting but I would suggest that you get yourself a spanish/english dictionary and write a simple letter here and address it in the proper country. look for the location on the map sites here on y/a sorry but that is all i have to offer., peace out.

Why does Tea from a vacuum flask taste a bit strange?

When you make a flask of tea and then open it up within the next couple of hours why does it taste funny? is it something to do with the milk and being sealed?

Is there a genie lamp in sims2?

In the Sims 1 Livin' Large expansion pack you can buy the Genie Lamp. In the Sims 2 Free Time a gypsy will come to the player's Sim house if his Sim is enthusiastic over a hobby or has high Lifetime Aspiration and will drop off the lamp on the player's property. The Genie will grant the Sim three wishes though the wishes have a chance of backfiring.

Will Michael Vick play in the 2009 NFL season?

if so for what team, i think u have to consider the Vikings, but also u can look at the Texans possibly, even Cleveland as possible destinations any other ideas. I'm sure some team will take a chance on him, he learned his lesson

Should we forsake sustainable practices in agriculture?

No, we should not forsake sustainable practices just because global warming is a natural occurence. The issues are not even related. Global warming may reduce our need to heat our homes, but we still will need transportation fuels and electricity and there's only so much Coal and Oil available.

Help! My seedlings are dying!?

My wife and I grow a hot bed every year. After planting all the seeds we need, and after they grow up to the transplanted stage, we plant all we need in the garden and sale the rest. Hot beds usually grow better outside, where real sunlight shines on them, but you can grow them inside, make sure the heat doesn't dry your hot bed out. Don't plant your seeds too close together and don't put a lid on them through the day, except getting them starting to grow, and in cold times where the cold would hurt them, but raise the lid about four-inches when temperatures rise to safe conditions. After the plants emerge from the ground, and if weather permits, take off the lid and let the night mist get on them at night. We plant our seeds in Miracle-Gro potting soil and use Miracle-Gro mix with water once a week, but water them lightly every other day or as needed (make sure your hot bed can drain well). When the plants get about two-inches high, we spray them with a vegetable bug spray to keep the bugs from eating them. After the plants get at the planting stage, around four to five inches high, we transplant them in our garden. My wife and I wish you all the success in the world and God Bless.

Was he my first love ?

i believe its your first time experiencing strong feelings for someone. You like him a lot and feel like he's giving you a little attention so it makes you feel great inside. but then you are too shy to actually tell him. are you really mad at the girl who likes him or is it REALLY that you are mad at yourself? You will experience these feelings for the rest of your life. it wont always be the same person. and it may even happen when you are in a relationship with someone else. we are all human. we see people daily in our lives that we are attracted too. people we find interesting or talkative. people who make you feel something. but as far as love goes, that isnt a one way street. you may have strong feelings for him but if those feelings arent returned, if you know that you dont really truly know this person. if you havent shared your secrets or experienced things together, then its not REAL love. real love is what grows between two people. you are going to fall in love many many times throughout your life, but you will know when its true love! this guy is a crush...but i will tell you it has potential to be love. you have to grow out of your shyness if you really want this guy. he sounds like he may like you too. you just have to go for it!!!

How long can a democracy last?

This why our nation is not a democracy. It is a constitutional republic. We will not fail unless that constitution is changed to better suit a democracy.

How do you deal with a RIDICULOUSLY IMMATURE wife (or any other family member) ?

You need to go with her to counseling and have the counselor tell her she is childish immature and a spoiled brat and at 25 she needs to grow up and live in the real world. Only boring people are capable of being bored.

Why does the bubble sort algorithm does O(n2) comparisons on a list of size n?

I am studying for a test coming up and this was on the review guide, I can't seem to figure it out myself. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How to talk to girls???? 10 pts. for best answer?

im like mad shy but i dont know how to conquer it, i dont have any girl friends (altough like the entire male population in my cles are my friends). its like im embared cuz im not as atrractive, or athletic, or even funny as most guys and im afraid that ill say sumthing stupid to the ladies and theyll use it against me in some way. i need help!!!!!!!!

Why did Obama get huge contributions to his campaign by Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae who are now bankrupt?

As my grandaddy used to say, who really is running the country, Just follow the money. It would be interesting to know how much the CEO's got for scamming us taxpayers out of our money, so they could continue their lifestyles?

Frozen Cola - Does It Still Fizz After Thawing?

It will still taste like cola but it will be flat. Maybe if you drink it while its a little slushy it may still have a little one of those frozen cola drinks you get at the movies

Do you have one of these gutless congresspersons that refuse to have real town hall meetings?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why is she so nasty to me?

TALK TO HER. Or try to be nice to her such as leave small gifts and do the opposite of everything she does mean to you.

OutKast video Question?

Does anyone know who wrote, directed, edited, and did special fx on the video Morris Brown by OutKast?

If every sperm has the potential to become a human life .....?

They're not actually humans until they are formed together, so it doesn't matter. That's like saying if we use ethanol for something else, then we should feel bad that it's affecting the cost and usage of gas/petrol. It's just absurd.

Raw Spoiler inside? WQ inside?

Tomorrow's Raw Is Not Live So Some Spoiler Websites Say, This Guy may Be Telling The Truth, Ima Check it out Right Now, and my biggest Shocker Was Big Show's Return (No Way Out 2008), Cena (Rumble 2008) I saw it Coming, he would do anything to be in Wrestlemania.

If my family is Chinese-Malaysian, is Malay part of my "heritage"?

It depends what kind of Malaysian-Chinese. Malaysian Chinese could refer to a chinese living in Malaysia and have no malay blood at all. Or it could refer to those perenakans who are a mixed breed of chinese and malay. If you are one of those perenakans, yes, you do have malay in your blood and it is part of your heritage (:

How can I convince my dad to buy me a horse!?

Hey buddy I think your better of with out a horse. Your a little to young to take care of a horse, you gotta buy the horse the reins a saddle which im pretty sure that took most of your 1,500 right there you gotta be buying hay for the winter . What if the horse gets sick what are you gunna do maybe you should Waite till your 16.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What influened Edgar Allan Poes works?

Im not talking about how his mom died or how he was separated from his siblings at a young age, but what events in history caused him to be the way he was. Things like the War of 1812 or something. Multiple answers will be greatly appreciated.

How to talk to my mother about smoking outside?

I don't know your ages but you and your brothers should seriously consider moving out. Do you have any relatives you could live with? What about sitting down with your parents and ask them to rent an apartment, along with food and utilites for you and the three younger brothers. Explain to them that their smoking is endangering your lives and since they won't smoke outside or in one designated area you thought that a good compromise would be for them to put you guys into a healthier home. Also let them know that you'd give some thought to turning them in to Child Protective Services, but you'd rather not have them jailed for child endangerment. If you do this last part, you need to mean it. Saddly, your parents are addicts and as such will do almost anything to protect their addiction. I hope you can get through to them. best wishes

Norton Anti-virus & Drivecleaner Help!?

I recently got attacked by the virus Drivecleaner. My norton anti-virus had expired, but it kept telling me that it detected the virus and renew immediately, so i renewed and scanned my computer. Before that, I installed the spyware something(to remove the drivecleaner), and i think it got rid of the drivecleaner, b/c when i scanned with norton, the virus was gone. Im wandering if it REALLY is gone and scared to use my computer. Im very comp illiterate, and im wandering what "cookies" are....and if drivecleaner has installed bad ones on my comp that norton wont pick up on! Can someone please explain this to me!!! I dont want anyone getting my personal info when i use my comp! THANKS SO MUCH!!!

What trick should i learn after a varial kickflip?

i can KICKFLIP ,shuv it ,varial,180 ollie . if you dont mind mind make me a list of tricks (no tricks that require a spin mor than 180 or heelflip tricks. i would like theese tricks to be flip tricks)thank you

Detroit Pistons Close to Signing Tracy McGrady?

I actually don't think it'll be that bad I believe Tracy will relize that his time in the NBA is almost up and will except a bench role if neccessary also he has been training a lot and he is ready to come back as long as he stays healthy I think he'll be a very good acquistion to the team. Tracy is less y than Allen and he won't be such as a problem.

Why do people like Hershey's chocolate?

it tastes awful, its gritty and stale, doesn't smell right and has the taste of throw up. I don't think its real chocolate either, its like old sugar with artificial chocolate flavor. Why is it so overrated?

What RB to start? Forte vs SF, Johnson vs JAX, McCoy vs ATL?

I know Chris Johnson is a no brainer. But what about the other 2? I also picked up Marshawn Lynch vs CHI?

Can you guys help? leave criticism or remarks!! :)?

I like this! It's a little confusing at first but I realize what's going on later, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I would definitely read it if it were published!

Do the Houston Texans still have room on the cap to go get one more good veteran cornerback?

If they can land Antonio Cromartie, then they will have one of the best CB tandems in the league. According to Y! Sports, he is the second best CB and second best player in this free agency (behind Asomugha, of course) and he's a veteran so I guess they have a chance to go for him.

Why is Glenn Beck so influential?

Because Beck says what Conservatives are thinking and feeling in their hearts. That honesty is a refreshing change from the pablum most news channels feed us.

Urgent help!!!! in these questions... Please....?

I realize this site is called Yahoo! Answers. But it does not mean homework answers. Pick up a book, or go to google and do the work. Like the rest of us.

How to deal with friends who get pregnant first?

UGH i know how you feel :( both my cousins just found out they are pregnant, and I'VE been trying way longer than they have. It's not fair :(

Should I let it slide and forgive or what?

Sorry but I do not agree with your mom. Respect is earned not owed. What if anything have you done to earn hers. If your judging her and talking smack behind her back, your wrong and so is the rest of the family that does the same. You should be respectful and polite. You only have to say a few words to her. Hi and congratulate her for graduating from college, when she leaves, say bye. I think you could manage to do that. It is the mature and responsible way to behave.Spent the rest of the time talking with others.

What might MacBeth's motto be?

We're going to be doing MacBeth in English, but we have to write a character reflection on him before we have any idea who the crap he is or what he did etc. I did a little MacBeth in grade 8, though, but I can't remember ANYTHING! What's a motto MacBeth might have (hypothetically) lived by?

Translate please....?

My love, I love you very much and I appreciate everything, you are very important to me, I hope in your heart you feel the feelings I have for you. Do you feel that I love you? Well my love, I am happy that I can talk to you and feel you, I love you very much and I miss you even more.

Do you respect medal of honor recipients?

When someone moves into a condo or a gated community, they sign agreements about what they can and cannot do on/with their property. He must have signed something, maybe he didn't read the fine print. I think he should remove the flag pole, as it must be against the rules of the place he is living in, and he did agree to the rules when he moved in and signed the legal doents.

Do Ali Larter [nickey/jessica from heroes] and Fergie just look alike, or is it the same person or what's up!?

I don't think there's much of a resemblance, Ali Larter is much prettier in my opinion, but everyone's got different views :)

American science and tech during 1960s?

ok well i am anthing but an expert to be exact i am busy avoiding homework myself right now but I would say that the cause of the moon exploration was probably the cold war, which also caused the US and other countries to start to create more advanced weapons The Cold War probably was a cause for many of these advances because the U.S. was so determined to show up the "communist" nations. They probably put more funding towards these projects which allowed scientists to work faster and better at coming up with ways to explore space and such. Well hope this could help a little good luck!!!

Monogamy is the most widespread form of marriage. Give some reasons for this?

Its most ideal and stable way to build a family, which is really the point of marriage. Women by nature want a stable mate, and so prefer monogamy.

How do you get better from a cold? :(?

lot of vitamin c. Emergenc is great because you absorb it fast. try like 3 packets a day. along with garlic, zinc and lots of water

Any help on my flight ticket issue?

I bought a flight ticket to travel from Canada to US for CAD700 from Now I can find a much lower price of about CAD 566. Any idea on how I could get back the money? Do I have to cancel and rebook? The ticket appears to be a non-refundable but transferable to another day with charge.

Oh Where Oh Where is a erhorn Recipe?

I am looking for a erhorn recipe. I had one the other day that was fab and now I’m addicted. It was a croissant with this delicious icing drizzled on top with shaved almonds. The other one I had was with chocolate. Can you please help a sugar addict out??? lol

My is really hurting, please help.?

i just had with a condom on, trojan-enz spermicidal lubricant, and i go to pee and it just burn so bad and it looked like lube was coming out my hole after the pee. i sat there for a good 5 min to let it all pee out and it kinda hurt, just now i tried walkin and it hurt so bad and its on soft. i am 18 and i dont have any diseases. ive checked.

What is the direct and indirect relation between and literature?

I still have no idea why some writers use in their literary works (novels, poetry, ..etc)? Is it essential to have such trend if you want to have your works more widespread?

How fast will i lose weight and inches doing this?

well if u stick to that diet thats pretty unheatlhy ... thats crazy talk ... first of all... eat normal 3 times a day and dont go to fast food restaurants .. also stick to only drinkin water and when u r at school u have to eat... bring ur own lunch with u... and exercise at least 3 times a week... u cannot live on a spoon of peanut er 3 times a day and 7 days a week thats pretty wild and unhealthy

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Real annoying girl in cl?

If she says anything like that again be like I would get up but, when you looked at me I was paralyzed from shoulder down. If she calls you ugly say wow if im ugly what can you possibly be! Get smart with her back until she gets annoyed!

Every time I watch hockey on TSN, people start bashing Pierre Mcguire on twitter. Why's that?

Pierre McGuire knows the players, the game, and everything there is to know about the NHL. He is ridiculed however because he has a serious crush on several young players and makes ridiculous comments that add nothing to the conversation. He also makes ic noises when a big play happen.

When the Democrats approved Bush's war were they just giving him rope to hang him self and Saddam?

It's a game the dems and republicans play. They make you think they are against each other when they are working in harmony. Have you not noticed Obama is doing everything the same as Bush. How blind can liberals be to not see this

What would you like to ask? Why are Rugby league supporters more down to earth people then AFL supporters?

Dont take this the wrong way doggy style, but I reckon its because of your lower cl upbringing, and the old chip on the shoulder thing you people have about Melbourne, most sydney siders left school at form 3 and the fact that you have been drinking tooheys for 100 years would bring anybody down to earth, you are a much more common lot than your southern neighbours, but keep your chin up woof, woof, once the 2nd AFL side gets in you lot may, and it's a "big may" start to turn the corner!! By the way a bath once a week is a bit old hat don't you think???

Is bronchitis contagious?

My girlfriend and I have been kissing a lot but however, I found out she has bronchitis and gets sore throats easily. Is bronchitis contagious? How serious is it? Will I get affected by it with just being near someone who has bronchitis?

Question about being in DEP for U.S Navy?

I was looking at my paper work from meps the other day and I totally screwed up about drug use. I'm 19 years old and I smoke pot twice when i was 16..and thats it i never liked the feeling i got from it and i messed up on the question cause someone told me they only want you to answer yes if you have smoked it in the past year or 2. So what should I do I need a Secret security clearance for my job and I dont want to lie about it, shoudl I tell my recruiter, or will i be in trouble and get kicked out of DEP for it? I ship in august.

I want to revert to Catholicism - how do I do this - can you help?

I was Protestant Christian then converted to Islam for my husband (he then converted to Christianity). We were talking and both now want to (as someone said) "Come Home to Rome".

Poisonous Plants...?

I have to do a project on one poisonous plant that is native to and widespread in New England for my Field and Forage Crops cl.I've been looking online and I found a great resource in a big list on Cornell's website,except it doesn't say where the plant is found.The plant has to be poisonous to livestock and/or horses,doesn't matter if it is to people.Anyone have any suggestions,or know where I can find this information?I was thinking foxglove,or milkweed,but I don't know where they are from,so it doesn't really help me,haha.

This concerns female women, with Tetralogy of Fallot?

I have gotten Tetralogy of Fallot with interrupted aortic arch type B. Which was operative in 1972. I am 44 now and I started Menopause. Full meno pause. Are any of you who suffer from these disease of knowledge how effective HRT regards to these type of heart patients is? Thanks for your honest replie. I feel like grab.

Wtf is with this see you at the pole?

are christians really excited about this one day a year prayer before church? why not pray every day before lunch with friends, in between cles, and when ever you get the chance? i mean come on, wats gonna happen? rejection? detention? suspension? BOO THE ******* HOO!!! Jesus, and disciples did jail time for Jesus, people were stoned in his name, i heard a story of people getting steam rolled, yet you guys cant risk a little punishment? am i the only one who finds this pathetic?

What does "maya hee, maya hoo, maya haa" mean?

It was originally in a Romanian song, search for "dragostea din tei" online! I speak Romanian and it doesn`t mean anything, it`s just like that.

Does he like me? and what should i do?

well, me and him are close friends, we see eachother every other day, he knows i used to like him. we fell out for a while then we became friends again, when we became friends again he was single, when were together now, we flirt alot, we feed eachother, and share drinks and food, we nearly kissed last week and we hold hands all the time and hug every two seconds we talk to each other every day and every night, but 2 weeks ago he got a girlfriend again, and then all of this stuff started to happen, we have layed next to each other in bed, in silence just looking at eachother smiling, we snuggle when watch tv, and on him msn name i have a :D instead of a :) like everyone else, we were on about his brother, his brothes goes out with someone 2 years younger than him, and i am 2 years younger than my friend, and i went ohh, it wud be like going out with someone in my year and he went or youu? and then later on i said, god, we are soo close sometimes people wud think we are brother and sister and he went or going out? he says im pretty and have loverly eyes, but 2 weeks ago he got a gf, and in the 2 weeks they have been going out all this has happened, his gf says that he sometimes randomly brings me up in a conversation, and all of my friends say he obviously likes me and i admit to having some feeling for him aswell. but i dont want to upset his gf as she has had people cheating on her in the past, i have no idea what to do. please help on what i shud do, does he like me? and what should i say to him or do to make things abit easier? i still want to be friends with him. please help xxx

Please help me figure something out here?

I just laugh at the amount of people who are clueless enough to actually believe Palin said "I can see Russia from my house!"


Continue the treatment for your anxiety and depression. Call the doctor and let them know how the medications make you feel and if you think they are helping. The idea is to calm the anxiety and elevate good feelings. Something is not quite right and the paranoia needs to be addressed. It takes time to get the combination of medications right, so e patient and try to help yourself get better.

Homemade baby shower keepsakes?

Looking for cool ideas for homemade baby shower keepsakes for a baby shower I'm throwing for a friend. I've already done the lifesaver pacifier necklaces, candy & nuts in bag, colored M&M's in tin can, and baby booties filled with candy. Please help with something creative...thank you!

Can love really overcome any obstical

Im 15 years old and Im in love with a young woman thats 16 and she also loves me.I've never been soo in love with another person.The problem is that she was smart enough to realize that we cant start something for now atleast becuase I live in Miami and she Lives in Havana,Cuba.She told me that she needs someone that is always be her side,and someone she can leen on from time to time.I told her I understood.I know she loves me dearly and I love her just as much,and she introduced me to her mom and dad,and we went parting to a night club and we were dancing very close the enitre time.And later we went to a park late at night.And we talked and i could tell in her eyes that she wants me and i want her,and she was touching a crusifix that I have around my neck.The next day I said good bye to her becuase she lives in Havana.But my love is soo deep for her that I travel 400 miles just to spend 5 hours with her.We went to some parks and we The Capitol of Havana,and we took pictures and we also went to a huge statue of Jesus Christ and we took some more photos.Then it was time to bring her back to her house and she asked if I wanted a kiss,and I told her "yea,why not",and we kissed,and I asked her why we couldnt be,and she said becuase of the distance that is seperating us.I was pretty heartbroken,and i asked her if there wasnt any future hopes between me and her and she said "I dont know,maybe here to 6 or 7 years we can start something other than being friends.But for now i'd like to just be friends",and she also said that she would love it if I wrote to her and called her once a month and that she would write back.,and we switched phone numbers and e-mail adresses.I asked her what about me moving to Cuba and she said no,and i saked why not,and she said becuase I want whats best for you.I said I understand and I told her that I love her and that I'll never forget her,and she said me too.So do you think we are ment to be???

From this description, what would you guess this girl's name to be?

at the beginning, when i read that she was tall, i thought maria. then i read that he was taller. amanda. as i read more, i saw that she was picky and, more or less, seemed like a high maintememce *****. This part threw me, so i read on. red hair and blue eyes. i couldn't decide between carman and sarah at this point. Then, i noticed that she probably had some form of O.C.D. I was sold on Alyse.

Does anyone else hope the 'fat lips fad' for women will soon go away?

All these actresses and models with fat collagen lips are just gross and disgusting. Also how can people get this crap injected into their lips all the time? There must be some side affects, at least in the long run? What are they? What will happen to these women's lips when they hit the menopause age of 50! All comments are welcome.

Does this sound the slights bit interesting?

It seems interesting; the imagery is very detailed, and parts of the theme and plot seem to unfold as you read. It's a well grounded start.

What colour goes with indigo?

Indigo goes really well with a dark maroon nuance or, if you take into consideration that indigo is a cold color, you can mix it with something warm, like yellow, orange.. but in the right proportion.

What should i do if i am told i am the father of a baby and i don't believe it?

i had with a girl who was very promiscuous, she just gave birth in may and says i am the father, she wants me to get a paternity test. i live in one of the u.s territories, she lives in california, i don't believe it is mine

Where can i purchase undiluted betadine, iodine or nolvasan solution?

i live in south miami, kendall area and i have no idea where to get this for my slider turtles infection. how much is it?

Your favorite song for inspiration?

"Killing in the Name" by Rage Against the Machine. Nothing inspires me more to fight against bigotry and injustice.

Psycho Sid, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Bobby Lashley, The Dudley Boyz, Ken Shamrock, Booker T, Or Mr. Kennedy ?

Which of those former WWE superstars do you see having atleast 1 more run with the WWE before they retire ?

Why only males have the covenant with YHWH, no females?

if you was to read the book of Genesis, when YHWH('the [true] God') tells Abram, later called Abraham, that he has to be circised, and all the males must be circised, as it being the covenant between 'God' and Man. for the male that means the removing of the Prepuce(foreskin), as with females, they would have their Prepuce, oris, and Labium, or Labia which being plural. so why is it that 'God' said that only the males are to be circised, he didn't say a thing about the females. are they not suppose to be?

Scottish section regulars?

Wee Ger nice to hear from you. I think it would be nice to put a face to the regulars on here.So a general description age etc would help. PS are you coming to my BBQ on Thursday? HAHA. By the way have we buried the hatchet? I hope so.

What are some good songs?

You should download Taylor's new song Speak Now. it's her best yet in my point of view! If you like it and you want to pre-order the album you can use the link below. The song is available for download on itunes and I'm pretty sure it's on youtube too.

L i can't find "live it out" christian tab?

the song was written by Reggie Joiner, and preformed by steve fee. i am entering a christian talent show soon and this is the song i want to do, but i can't find a tab anywhere.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Guinea pig help please!?

I have a guinea pig that i bought in september 2009. she looks nice and healthy. i bought another one in the spring of 2010. they are both normal guineas. i think about a year ago, i found something in my guineas hair and i picked it out, i didn't think. it was a scab and i thought OMG! what is it?!?! i didn't think it was a huge thing because she seemed fine afterward. about 6 months ago i found something in my other guinea's fur and i did the same thing, i kept meaning to look it up but i always forgot about it. finally i decided to and i found out it might be mites. i'm taking them to the pet store where i bought them by next week(thats the only time i can go).( they know a lot) and then if anything is wrong i'll take them to the vet. when ever i touch a certain spot on their backs they flip and start biting what is in front of them. i'm really scared (because what i found on the internet) and do you think that it will be okay if i go to the vet, will it be too late please help. and yeah i know i shouldn't have picked it out but it was a moment of desperation. thank you!

HCl calcium hydroxide titration?

No it will make no difference. One mole of Ca metal will react with 2 moles HCl regardless of whether it does so directly or via first forming the hydroxide.

How much can I sue a person for libel/Slander/defamation of character in VA?

I am wondering how much I can sue a person for in commonwealth of VA for libel/slander/defamation of character? I am a law enforcement officer. This person came to my place of employment and gave a oral and written statement to my superiors. With fabricated stories of myself stalking and haring her. When she did not get the results she wants at my job. She went down to her local magistrates officer and took out a warrant for harment. She claims I been calling her and she is in fear for her safety due to me being a law enforcement officer. I am in the process of retrieving my cell phone and home phone records to dispute all of this non sense. However, when this is all said and done. I would like to sue her. It's been the talk of the town at work about the lady coming up there making claims against me. The complaint she file against me with the magistrate was a waste of paper. It doesn't even say what she told my job. When this is all said and done I am taking her to court to sue for this embarrment and disgrace. I was planning on going on to another law enforcement agency. No I am at a stand still. I cant even seem to get in any training cles that we have anymore.

(WOMEN ONLY PLEASE) How do you think they will react?

Im a fairly attractive STRAIGHT black male. 19 yrs old, 5'8, 165lbs. So i go to this coffee shop early in the morning to grab my coffee and i usually wear these see through tights because they're so comfortable. Its just what i like to wear. The girls that work there usually take a nice look and just proceed with taking my order normally because they see me in them all the time. I can tell that they like to check me out because every time i turn around to leave i can see their reflection in the windows and they always stare at my backside. I dont wear any underwear under them so u can kind of see everything but they dont seem to mind because theyre always nice & friendly towards me. Do u think if i went to the bath room and walked out with no pants on, just my shirt they would get offended? They basically already see me naked with the tights on so do u think if i took them off it would make a difference?

How many ounces of 30% hydrochloric acid solution and 80% hydrochloric acid solution must be mixed to get 10 o?

How many ounces of 30% hydrochloric acid solution and 80% hydrochloric acid solution must be mixed to get 10 ounces of 50% hydrochloric acid solution? THANK YOU

Music help?! What does song is this lyric from? Bay area rap READ?

only song i can think of is suga free- why you bullshittin, and he aint from the bay but he's affiliated. any other parts of the song you remember?

Why is so hard to make friends when your older? everyone has that one friend they can call all the time?

the thing is i'm not very good talking with girls so I never dated..i've had chances but that ship has sailed a long time ago. to make things worse i don't have any guy friends and i know most couple meet through friends...I recently transferred to a uni and I dont' have any friends...i tried a few clubs and didn't like it...everyone that's not a freshmen doesn't seem open to making friends..this is a commuter school so a lot of people go with their friends...i even seen couples the first week so that tells you they knew eachother even before...I msg'd people ont his website bec. seems soo many people are taken...i read there was a study and it said i believe 75 percent people are taken at my age (early 20s)

Catholic religion shows the biggest decline in America,Islam the fastest growing?

It is the fastest religion in America and World. Once you have read the Quran, it shows you the lies and media false allegation against Islam. People Judge a book from its cover. Allahu Akbar (God is great).

RHH Do me a favor.......can I get a honest no holds barred critique of this song?

Very strong piece of work and I really dig the message...Beyond the technical aspects of music, I believe this was a great representation of what people go thru on the other side and I can relate (my sister was just there)...Overall, I enjoyed it

When you're writing an MLA "Works Cited" page, how do you deal with a book written in a foreign language?

I need to cite a book not written in English for a very, very, very important ignment, but I can't find the proper section in the MLA guide - not in the updated 2009 version, or the older ones.

Hi there just wont to know if this is a good laptop or what?

Ok, the first and third models have Intel Celeron Processors. So already just by looking at that its a big no. Looking at the second model It has Intels new Dual core processor, running at 1.70Ghz this is very fast and will be more than suited to some school work and a touch of half-life. It has Windows Vista Home Premium, a very nice choice, and you wont have to upgrade your RAM on this laptop. I know what people say about vista, but 1GB is PLENTY! I know I have the same. So definately I reccomend number 2 it has great specs. A fast processor, lots of ram, an ok graphics card, perfect for some Half-Life :D and of course a mive 120GB hard drive for all your school work. Hope this helps and nice choice ;P, Yours Kieran

I need help with my physics homework?

An 26 g rifle bullet traveling 250 m/s buries itself in a 4.6 kg pendulum hanging on a 3.2 m lon, which makes the pendulum swing upward in an arc. Determine the maximum vertical displacement of the pendulum (height).(g = 9.8 m/s2)

Haha..another ugg question:))?

I think the shorter ones are cuter, and If your thinking about rolling them down, you might as well get the short ones (:

Iam doing B.Sc Biotechnology Biochemistry Chemistry.Iwant to do a project work in any one of above fields.?

I am very interseted in research work.I had knowledge in techniques and practical knowledge.So please suggest me any work to do in this summer.

Is bon-bon not an insult as a gift?

I'm glad I don't mix with such ultra-refined people. Most French people will swoop upon a box of confectionery (especially chocolates) offered to them as a gift with unashamed delight.

What words end in this sound?

I'm looking for words that end in the same sound as "syllogy" or "elegy", but not by virtue of the "-ology" suffix (I'm trying to rhyme, and the vowel sound isn't close enough). Any help?

Which celebrity fashion designer do you think is having the most impact on the Industry today?...and why?

Is is Gwen, Beyonce, Sean John, Madonna, Olsen twins, David Beckham, J Lo, etc...just to name a few?

Should I cut my hair?

No dont cut it with long hair you can do diffrent thing to it. if you cut it it might be hard to play with it and do diffrent hair styles to it but it also depends on the shape of your face and if it looks good on you and its your choice too

Can anyone think of an actor with dark hair?

If you can picture him clearly in your mind, you shouldn't need a frame of reference for him. If you want to become a truly good writer, trying doing this without a photo reference.

I really need boyfriend help!!!!?

There is this guy and we have gone out like twice. I have been the one 2 break up with him both times. It's cause he gets way 2 serious. I so love him again but he is goin out with someone else. We text and talk ALL the time. And we were texting yesterday and he said i was pretty hot and that he still liked me but not to tell his gf. We will end up going out again and i just need some advice on this: we r only in 6th grade and he wants 2 show pda at skool like hugging in the hall and me wearing his hoddies and all that. the BIG thing is he wants to kiss and i dont hink were old enough but i cant tell him that.

How many fans got arrested after the Yankees won the ALCS in 1976?

There were actually 2 idiots at Citizens Bank Park. Another dude ran on the field the day after that teen did it. They need to get more security there because those guy look like jackes.

Choosing a book on Norse Mythology?

I want to buy a book on Norse Mythology. I have the choices narrowed down between "Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs" by John Lindow, or "Gods and Myths of Northern Europe" by H.R. Ellis Davidson. Can anyone help in figuring out which is the better buy?

What kind of disaster are we talking if Hoover Dam gave way due to a series of nuclear explosions?

What would be the effects of an explosion completely tearing away Hoover Dam? How large of an area would be flooded? How many would lose power due to power supply being cut of from this source? What would be all the effects including possible casualties if this ever happened?

Trig graph - what kind?

The question states: Sketch a reasonable graph that models the given situation. The number of hours of daylight per day in your hometown over a two-year period. What kind of graph would this be? Sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot?

Late period, tiredness and sore ?

Ok its been more then 35 days since my last period.....actually much more then that. I checked with the doctor 3 weeks ago when i was sick with the flu and i was diagnosed with acute bronchitis. I have headaches, sore and lower back pain but i do have problems with my back. Am i pregnant and have this happened to anyone? My husband been out of the country before my last period. so what is goin on?Could it be from my sickness or stress that my menstrual cycle is delayed or could i be pregnant?

Beginning of the French Revolution?

In the very beginning of the French Revolution, was it ever the intentions of the people of France (by that I mean the beougeoursie and peasents) to completely end the Monarchy? I know they wanted better representation, equal taxation, and things like that, but did they want to end the monarchy too?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Has anyone been to indiana live in shelbyville?

i will be going to indy for a few things next week and wondering if anyone has been there. if it is any good or not. i am coming up from cincinnati. how is indiana live compared to hollywood/argosy, grand victoria or belterra.

What type of steps can i take according to the situation?

why don't you get over it. There is nothing you can do about it. your thousands of miles away. Your dad is a loser, sorry it hurts. He is a complusive liar and will never change. Just cut all ties with him and move on with your life and make your life the best you can.

New music.............?

hi. I am 15 year old boy. and i desperate need of some new music. I like kings of Lyon. ,pendulum and the killers.things like that. em ten points for the music that i like.

Should I do this fantasy baseball trade?!!?

I think you're getting ripped. Rollins is still 3 times the player Scutaro is. Granderson will be OK but nothing great. McLouth will come around, and Heyward may be rookie of the year. I would not make the trade.

Who makes the best frozen pizza?

A girlfriend is coming over tonight and we're doing pizza for the kids and ourselves. For someone who really doesn't eat pizza (me), I'd prefer mucho tasty to cardboard....or at least so that it isn't completely vile. Suggestions?

Where is all the proof, the photos anything?

To back up the claims of the left wing, Mr. Olberdouche where are they. No proof yet of the N word towards Congressmen, No proof of signs stating lynch Obuma at TEA parties, Where is the proof?

Pls help me my fish are dying...?

You need to sprinkle some aquarium salt in the tank every day but not to much just a tad! My fish were at the bottom of the tank and turining colors and the salt healed its skin and cured its disease!

How can i put this in a more sentence like structure? like writing like its not copied or pasted.?

In this Journal Randich and Grant explain the bullet evidence in the JFK ination investigation was reexamined from metallurgical and statistical standpoints. The questioned specimens are comprised of soft lead, possibly from full-metal-jacketed Mannlicher-Carcano (MC), 6.5-mm ammunition. During lead refining, contaminant elements are removed to specified levels for a desired alloy or composition. Alternate statistical calculations, based on the historic ytical data, incorporating weighted averaging and propagation of experimental uncertainties also considerably weaken support for the single-bullet theory.

Should the Steelers get rid of James Harrison?

whats ironic to all of the media critics is that when the interviewer called espn (i hear the sound bite), he said that a lot of other players called in and felt the same way. he was talking about big and small name players. and apparently the writer twisted his words, like they usually do.