Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How much can I sue a person for libel/Slander/defamation of character in VA?

I am wondering how much I can sue a person for in commonwealth of VA for libel/slander/defamation of character? I am a law enforcement officer. This person came to my place of employment and gave a oral and written statement to my superiors. With fabricated stories of myself stalking and haring her. When she did not get the results she wants at my job. She went down to her local magistrates officer and took out a warrant for harment. She claims I been calling her and she is in fear for her safety due to me being a law enforcement officer. I am in the process of retrieving my cell phone and home phone records to dispute all of this non sense. However, when this is all said and done. I would like to sue her. It's been the talk of the town at work about the lady coming up there making claims against me. The complaint she file against me with the magistrate was a waste of paper. It doesn't even say what she told my job. When this is all said and done I am taking her to court to sue for this embarrment and disgrace. I was planning on going on to another law enforcement agency. No I am at a stand still. I cant even seem to get in any training cles that we have anymore.

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