Saturday, August 13, 2011


Hi, ive just got a new dog he's only a year and a half and im having trouble with him at night. Ideally i would like to him to sleep in the kitchen at night but when i close the both the kitchen door and then the living room door abut 10mins later he has been able to jump up and open both doors and comes up and jumps up on2 my bed and sleeps besde me, i just cant keep him downstairs. I tried barricading tha kitchen door by puttin a brush through tha handle at the other side so he ***** open it but he ended up scratching away at the door alnight and ruined it. He also cries when i put him out the back yard, it's as if he alwaywants to be near me, i dunno is this something new dogs do? how can i stop this?....p.s apart from that everything else with him is brilliant cant complain !

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